What will be the new consultation charges for GPs, paediatricians, psychiatrists, etc. from December?

  • Post category:Business / Health
  • Reading time:8 mins read

On Tuesday, the ratification of a new five-year medical agreement was made official following intense negotiations between the French health insurance system and the unions representing self-employed doctors. The agreement provides for a first increase in fees at the end of this year, followed by a second in July 2025

New medical agreement: significant changes for patients

The conclusion of a new agreement between the French health insurance system and self-employed doctors, the result of lengthy negotiations, was announced on Tuesday 4 June, following the approval of the main medical unions.

Price increases for many medical procedures

The new medical agreement, which will be in force for a period of five years, provides for a gradual increase in fees from December onwards. GPs and specialists will see their fees rise, with the first increase scheduled for the end of the year, followed by a second in July 2025.

Basic consultation with a GP at €30

One of the most significant changes concerns the price of a basic consultation with a GP, which will rise from €26.50 to €30 at the end of the year. This increase, the second in just over a year, is seen as an adjustment for inflation.

Price increases for consultations with several specialists

Charges for consultations with certain specialists will also rise from December, and again in July 2025. For example, charges for consultations with neurologists, psychiatrists and medical gynaecologists will increase.

Creation of a ‘long consultation’ for patients over the age of 80

The new medical agreement also introduces a new form of consultation, the ‘long consultation’, intended for patients over 80 years of age in order to encourage their care. This special consultation will only be available once a year and in clearly defined situations.

Conditions for teleconsultation maintained, except for psychiatrists

The conditions for teleconsultation will remain unchanged overall, with the exception of psychiatrists, who will benefit from certain adaptations.

In short, this new medical agreement will bring about major changes for patients, with adjustments to fees and the introduction of new medical practices.


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