Public finance: Michel Barnier describes the budget situation as “very serious” and calls for “precise information to assess its true scale”.

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  • Reading time:7 mins read

The Prime Minister has set the objective of “restoring growth and improving the standard of living of the French people”, while being aware that “France is already the country with the heaviest tax burden”

Michel Barnier, concerned about the state of public finances, describes the budgetary situation as “very serious” and stresses that he has “requested all the information necessary to assess the exact reality”, he told AFP. This statement comes at a time when his future government partners are rejecting any idea of tax increases.

A meeting initially scheduled for Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. between Michel Barnier and the Ensemble pour la République (EPR) group, to discuss this subject, has been “postponed”, according to the Prime Minister’s entourage. No new date has yet been set.

An alarming budget situation

“I’ve discovered that the country’s budgetary situation is very worrying. I have asked for all the information necessary to accurately assess the extent of the problem. This situation calls for much more than superficial comments. It calls for responsibility”, insisted Michel Barnier in his statement.

A balanced government in preparation

“My aim is to put France back on the path to growth and improve the purchasing power of the French, while taking into account the fact that we already have the highest level of taxation”, added the Prime Minister, adding that he was currently ‘very focused on the forthcoming formation of a balanced government’. He intends to tackle the country’s economic challenges “seriously and methodically”, in order to “meet the expectations of the French people”.

After several years of tax cuts, Michel Barnier’s mention of a possible increase in levies provoked strong reactions, particularly among Macronists and his own political party, Les Républicains. This approach, although inspired by the seriousness of the budgetary situation, risks alienating some much-needed support.

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