New government line-up: Michel Barnier’s meeting with political leaders at Matignon has just ended

  • Post category:Politics
  • Reading time:7 mins read

This morning, the Prime Minister indicated that today was his “last day of consultations”, meeting with various political leaders from the right and center of France

On Thursday September 19, Hervé Morin (Nouveau Centre), Gabriel Attal (Ensemble pour la République), Marc Fesneau (MoDem) and other political figures summoned by Michel Barnier left Matignon after a meeting crucial to the formation of a new government. According to Matignon, this meeting marked Michel Barnier’s “last consultation”, following separate discussions with Yaël Braun-Pivet, President of the French National Assembly, and Gérard Larcher, President of the French Senate, this morning. However, Matignon did not specify the exact timetable, and indicated that it did not wish to impose any time constraints. To follow developments in real time, check out our live feed.

Michel Barnier faces the challenges of forming a government

The Prime Minister is facing increasing difficulties in his bid to form a coalition government. Sébastien Chenu, MP and vice-president of Rassemblement National, expressed his reservations on TF1, stressing that “entrusting the keys to the country to parties with just 5% of the vote raises concerns” and criticizing the lack of clarity on the government’s future political direction.

A series of missed appointments

Wednesday was marked by a succession of missed appointments. An initial meeting between Michel Barnier and the group of Macronist deputies from Ensemble pour la République, led by Gabriel Attal, was postponed, followed by the cancellation of a second scheduled meeting with Républicains executives.

Formation of the new government: Michel Barnier presents a team of 38 ministers, guaranteeing the equality of the different parties.

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New government line-up: Michel Barnier’s meeting with political leaders at Matignon has just ended

This morning, the Prime Minister indicated that today was his “last day of consultations”, meeting with various political leaders from the right and center of ...
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