Nahel’s death: a reconstruction is scheduled to take place in Nanterre this Sunday as part of the investigation, with the aim of advancing the enquiries

  • Post category:Police & Justice
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Ten months after the death of the 17-year-old who was shot by a police officer during a traffic stop, the investigating judges are planning a reconstruction of the events at the scene of the tragedy, in the presence of all the parties involved in the case

One year after the tragic death of Nahel, a 17-year-old boy shot dead by a police officer in Nanterre on 27 June 2023, a reconstruction of the events is scheduled for this Sunday 5 May, according to corroborating sources. The re-enactment will involve the main players in the case, including the two police officers involved – one charged with culpable homicide, the other as an assisted witness – as well as eyewitnesses.

The police officer who fired the fatal shot will wear a balaclava to preserve his anonymity, a common practice in such reconstructions, according to his lawyer Laurent-Franck Liénard. Florian M., the 38-year-old police officer in question at the time of the events, remains determined and is sticking to his defence.

After five months in pre-trial detention following his indictment for culpable homicide on 29 June, Florian M. was released on 15 November under judicial supervision, with restrictions such as a ban on possessing weapons or contacting civil parties. Despite this, he was authorised to return to administrative work.

The release of the police officer provoked a reaction from Nahel’s mother, who called for a rally in Nanterre on 19 November, denouncing an apparent injustice. The re-enactment is a tense moment for Nahel’s mother, who is reliving the bad memories associated with the incident.

Meanwhile, the investigation led by two judges continues, seeking to clarify the discrepancies in the statements of the parties involved. The debates surrounding the Nahel case have highlighted the tensions surrounding police violence in France, with the initial police version quickly contradicted by an amateur video.

Despite the progress made in the investigation, ambiguities persist, particularly about the words exchanged just before the fatal shot, raising questions about the exact circumstances of the incident. Investigators are working to unravel these crucial details as the case continues to attract public attention and concern.

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