Middle East: Israeli army chief declares defeat of Hamas military wing

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  • Reading time:8 mins read

On the eve of the first anniversary of the October 7 attacks, Herzl Halevi reminded Israeli soldiers of the importance of “combating the capabilities of the terrorist organization.”

The head of the Israeli army declared this Sunday, October 6, that the military wing of Hamas was now “defeated”. “It’s been a year since October 7, the day we failed to protect the citizens of the State of Israel,” wrote Herzl Halevi in a letter to soldiers. “During this year, we have neutralized the military wing of Hamas and continue our fight against the organization’s terrorist capabilities.”

For his part, Emmanuel Macron expressed his conviction that an immediate ceasefire is necessary.

A telephone exchange marked by differences but marked by respect

On Sunday October 6, Emmanuel Macron and Benjamin Netanyahu spoke by telephone to discuss the current situation in the Middle East, a dialogue which the Élysée described as “frank and respectful”. According to the press release, the two leaders acknowledged their differences of opinion, while reaffirming their desire for mutual understanding. This exchange came after Emmanuel Macron’s statements on the need to halt arms deliveries to Gaza, a position that had irritated the Israeli Prime Minister.

Despite their disagreements, Emmanuel Macron stressed France’s “unwavering commitment” to Israel’s security, and reiterated France’s military involvement in the face of Iranian threats in the region. On the eve of the first anniversary of the Hamas attacks on October 7, 2023, he also expressed the solidarity of the French people with the victims and families affected by this tragedy.

Towards a ceasefire

During the interview, Emmanuel Macron called for a ceasefire, asserting that the continuation of fighting in Gaza and its extension into Lebanon could not guarantee the much-hoped-for security. He expressed his conviction that “the time for a ceasefire has now come”.

For his part, Benjamin Netanyahu defended the continuation of the military operation against Hezbollah, considering it necessary to “bring stability” to the region. He also expressed his expectations of France, hoping for unrestricted support, stressing that any limitations would, in his view, strengthen “the Iranian axis of evil”.

Despite these differences, the two leaders agreed to stay in touch and continue their exchanges on security issues in the Middle East.

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