Le Pen accuses Macron of preparing “an administrative coup d’état” in the event of cohabitation

  • Post category:Politics
  • Reading time:7 mins read

The chairwoman of the Rassemblement National (RN) group in the French National Assembly is anticipating an “administrative coup d’état” by the President’s camp. According to her, the latter is planning a series of appointments before a possible cohabitation, particularly at the head of the national police and gendarmerie

Is Emmanuel Macron planning to appoint several senior civil servants before the results of the second round of legislative elections, which could give a relative or absolute majority to the Rassemblement National (RN)? Marine Le Pen referred to rumours that the President of the Republic was considering appointing the Director General of the National Police, who was due to remain in post until the end of the Olympic Games, and the Director of the National Gendarmerie.

In her view, the “aim” of these hasty appointments would be “to prevent Jordan Bardella from governing the country as he wishes” if the Rassemblement National wins a majority in the second round of legislative elections.

Reaction from the Élysée and comments from Éric Ciotti

The Élysée called on Marine Le Pen to show “composure” and “moderation”. The Presidency stated that appointments are made regularly regardless of political periods and that there are no plans to change this practice in the coming months. Clément Beaune, former Minister Delegate for Transport, accused Marine Le Pen of lying or not knowing the Constitution, describing her remarks as “serious”.

Éric Ciotti commented on Europe1/Cnews that such practices were evidence of a “general panic” to “rehouse relatives”, while conceding that “it has always been done”.

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