In anticipation of the May long weekend, Bison Futé is forecasting heavy traffic jams in the Île-de-France region on Friday as holidaymakers head off on their travels

  • Post category:Transport
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Bison Futé has announced that Friday 3 May will be colour-coded red for departures in the Île-de-France region, while the rest of the country will be colour-coded green. The Centre National d’Information Routière (French national road information centre) says that the proximity of the public holidays on Wednesday 8 May and Thursday 9 May (Ascension Day) will allow some people to take a few days off this weekend

Traffic is expected to be heavy towards the toll plazas, particularly on the A6 and A10 motorways, with difficulties expected from late morning, as well as on the ring road and the A86 and A6B motorways. This congestion could be exacerbated in the afternoon by commuters, and remain sustained until late in the evening.

In addition, Saturday will be orange nationally for departures, while Sunday will be green for departures and returns.

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