Édouard Philippe sharply criticizes François Bayrou’s conclave, deeming it “out of touch” and “totally outdated”

Édouard Philippe criticizes the “conclave” on pensions and calls for an ambitious reform

The former Prime Minister condemns a process that is outdated and advocates for a reform suited to current challenges.

In an interview with Le Figaro on March 14, 2025, Édouard Philippe expressed his astonishment at the continued existence of the “conclave” of consultations between social partners on pension reform, initiated by François Bayrou. This process, which has brought together trade unions and employers since February 27, is heavily criticized by the former Prime Minister, who deems it “completely out of touch” and “already totally outdated.”

A reconsideration of the 2023 reform: an outdated idea according to Philippe

Édouard Philippe believes it would be “wiser” to focus on adapting the country to current geopolitical and economic challenges, rather than questioning reforms already passed. He states: “Given the geopolitical threats, it would be more pertinent to bring social and political forces together to anticipate the considerable efforts to come, rather than discussing a reversal of the Borne reform.”

A necessary pension reform: a long-term vision

Regarding pensions, the former Prime Minister advocates for an ambitious reform: “I will propose a new pension system that will maintain a significant level of solidarity, but one that must balance its funding without resorting to public debt.” Philippe questions the current system based solely on distribution and proposes a more suitable model given demographic realities, based on three distinct schemes: one for private sector employees, one for civil servants, and one for the self-employed.

A program for 2027 and criticism of the lack of substantial reforms

Philippe also announces his intention to run in the 2027 presidential election after the municipal elections in March 2026, during which he will seek re-election as mayor of Le Havre. He also expresses his frustration at the lack of substantial reforms in the current government program, emphasizing: “We live in a rapidly changing world, yet our country seems struck by immobility.”

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Édouard Philippe sharply criticizes François Bayrou’s conclave, deeming it “out of touch” and “totally outdated”

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