Accusations of sexual violence: directors Jacquot and Doillon in police custody

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  • Reading time:8 mins read

Two filmmakers accused of sexual violence taken into custody

Directors Benoît Jacquot and Jacques Doillon were taken into police custody in Paris on Monday 1 July, following accusations of sexual violence made by several actresses, including Judith Godrèche. This information has been confirmed by H24 MEDIA, based on a report by AFP.

Controversial police custody

The two filmmakers, who dispute the charges, arrived at the Regional Criminal Investigation Department (DRPJ) at around 9.30am, accompanied by their lawyers. Julia Minkowski, Benoît Jacquot’s lawyer, said that her client “will finally be able to express himself before the courts”, but criticised the decision to hold him in police custody, which she deemed “open to criticism”. She felt that a free hearing would have been more appropriate.

Marie Dosé, Jacques Doillon’s lawyer, also contested the police custody order, saying that there was no legal justification for it, especially “36 years” after the events denounced by Judith Godrèche. In her view, her client should have been given a free hearing, given how long ago the events occurred and how statute-barred they were.

Judith Godrèche’s accusations

Judith Godrèche, the 52-year-old actress, reignited the #MeToo movement in France in February by accusing Benoît Jacquot and then Jacques Doillon of raping minors. The Paris public prosecutor’s office is currently investigating the charges of rape of a minor under the age of 15 by a person in a position of authority, rape, violence by a cohabiting partner, and sexual assault of a minor over the age of 15 by a person in a position of authority.

Relationship between Jacquot and Godrèche

Benoît Jacquot and Judith Godrèche began a relationship in 1986, when Godrèche was still a minor. They lived together until 1992. Godrèche describes the relationship as marked by “control” and “perversion”.

Other accusations against Jacquot

Two other actresses have also lodged complaints against Benoît Jacquot. Julia Roy is accusing him of sexual assault, while Isild Le Besco is accusing him of rape of a minor over the age of 15 and rape committed between 1998 and 2007.

The two filmmakers’ lawyers are denouncing the “violation of the presumption of innocence” and the excessive media coverage of the case.

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