Legislative elections in 2024: Prime Minister Gabriel Attal unveils the presidential party’s main initiatives

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  • Reading time:8 mins read

Presidential camp programme: Gabriel Attal unveils the key points

At the “The day after” press conference, Gabriel Attal, candidate for the French parliament and Prime Minister, presented the key measures of the presidential camp for the forthcoming early parliamentary elections. Here are the key points to remember:

Security, minimum wage, nuclear power… Outline of the Presidential Programme

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal has set out the main proposals of the President’s camp for the early parliamentary elections. The majority, grouped under the banner “Ensemble pour la République”, is playing for high stakes in an uncertain electoral context.

Purchasing power

Lower electricity bills: A 15% reduction in electricity bills is promised for next winter, thanks to the reform of the European electricity market.
Abolition of notary fees for first-time buyers: First-time buyers will benefit from the abolition of notary fees for purchases of up to €250,000, representing a €15,000 gain in purchasing power.
Pension increases: Pensions will be indexed to inflation and a €1 health insurance scheme for senior citizens will be introduced.
No tax rises: Gabriel Attal has pledged not to raise taxes on the French, promising a “golden budget rule”.


Revaluation of the Macron bonus: The ceiling for the “Macron bonus” will be raised to 10,000 euros and may be paid monthly.
Lower charges for salaries above the minimum wage: Rather than raising the minimum wage to €1,600 net, Gabriel Attal is proposing lower charges for low salaries.
4-day working week: The programme envisages developing the four-day working week to offer an extra day of rest, with special provision for single-parent families.

Ecological transition

Development of the nuclear industry: The majority supports the development of the nuclear industry to achieve a carbon-neutral economy.
Access to electric cars: 100,000 clean vehicles will be put on the market at a maximum price of 100 euros per month.
Reducing disposable plastic: The presidential party is committed to phasing out disposable plastic and developing the circular economy.

France in the world

European commitment and NATO: Gabriel Attal warns against the risks of blocking the European Union and pandering to Russia with the far right in power. He affirms that France will remain in NATO.
Support for Ukraine: The majority will continue to support Ukraine, contrary to the fluctuating positions of its opponents.


Penalties and immediate prosecution: The perpetrators of serious offences and crimes will be punished and immediate prosecution will be applied.
Protecting young people and schools: The programme includes measures to protect young people from social networking sites and to reassert the authority of teachers.
Recruitment of law enforcement officers: Massive recruitment of law enforcement officers has been announced to guarantee republican order.

Gabriel Attal stressed the importance of these measures in ensuring France’s stability and progress, while criticising his opponents’ programmes for their lack of clarity and coherence.

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