Climate: “The High Council expresses its deep concern at the delay in certain key pieces of legislation”.

  • Post category:Environmental
  • Reading time:7 mins read

The French High Council for the Climate, headed by agronomist Jean-François Soussana, is warning that France needs to “significantly step up adaptation” to droughts, heatwaves, storms and other extreme weather events. The 230-page annual report, published on Thursday 20 June, stresses that current efforts are insufficient to respond to growing vulnerability and urgent needs

The independent body acknowledges France’s progress in reducing CO2 emissions, but stresses the urgent need to finalise several key texts for energy and climate policy. It expresses “serious concern” about the delays in the adaptation plan, the energy roadmap (PPE) and the national low-carbon strategy (SNBC).

The past year, marked as the second hottest in France, has seen challenges such as local drought, devastating fires, intense heatwaves and flooding. The HCC also highlights the obstacles encountered in drawing up the third National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PNACC-3), which is currently on hold due to parliamentary elections.

Among its 65 recommendations, the High Council calls for the “rapid finalisation and adoption” of these essential texts to ensure coherent long-term action. It stresses the importance of providing clear visibility to all players involved in the fight against climate change.

Despite some notable advances, notably a significant reduction in gross greenhouse gas emissions by 2023, France must maintain a steady pace if it is to achieve its 2030 climate targets. The report nevertheless highlights persistent inconsistencies, particularly in the agricultural sector, and calls for greater action to restore forest ecosystems and improve the carbon sequestration capacity of soils and trees.

Overall, the High Council stresses the need for a clear and ambitious vision for the coming decade, to ensure the transition to carbon neutrality by 2050.

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